A Break In The Clouds
Yesterday was finally a nice day. The temperature got up to 30 and the sun was out! Today it is snowing again, but at least we had one nice afternoon. So JT and I decided to take advantage of the sunshine and take the dogs snow shoeing at Pike National Forest about 10 miles or so from our house. We packed a lunch and set off on a trail we hadn't yet explored. I didn't realize how much I had missed getting outdoors...it certainly affects your mood and temperament when you can't enjoy the sun and some fresh air. So, we had a great time.In other news, we have decided after some long thought that we are moving from Colorado back to the south. We really have enjoyed our time up here but we miss being closer to family, friends, and having all 4 seasons to enjoy. JT doesn't get to hunt up here, so he is looking forward to spending more time with his grandfathers and dad on their hunting lease - and I will just enjoy maybe getting to have a summer where we can go to the lake or swim in a pool again! Colorado is great, but we have decided it is more desirable to visit. You can't beat the physical beauty, but time with family and friends is much more important. But living at almost 11,000 ft elevation really takes it's toll on your body. We need to get down lower! Right now our house is under contract, but contingent on our buyers selling their condo up here. If things work out accordingly we could be on our way by mid-March. We are very excited at the possibilities that await us. We will always make the mountains a part of our life. Only now, we will be able to choose when we come and when we go. And trust me, you don't want to be up here for a winter like we've had this year! We'll probably stick to summer visits. So we would appreciate your prayers concerning a speedy sell and move.
Oh wow, Shiloh is a brave pup! Glad you got to enjoy some blue sky! lovies!
I get to see you in a few weeks!!!! WHOO HOOO
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