Saturday, March 29, 2008

16 Weeks

Yesterday was my 16 week appointment with my OB, Dr. Ferrara. It went great. I have not grown too much in my tummy (the doc's not yet even measuring) but I have managed to gain a couple of pounds. My doctor told me that the new recommendations for weight gain in pregnancy are 17-18 lbs. My original goal was to stay under 20 lbs, so we will continue to work on just growing a baby. I believe as long as I exercise consistently and eat as well as I possibly can, I should stay on track. The baby has moved up a little in my belly, but everything is still under my belly button. That all should change the next 4 weeks. The baby's heart rate was a strong 160 bpm and it is so good to know that things look like they are going well! We find out the sex in only 3 1/2 weeks and we are so excited! I am very tired of looking at amazing baby catalogs and in cute stores and not being able to "plan" the nursery or buy little things because of not knowing. But soon enough. I am closing in on the half-way mark and am feeling great except for fatigue. But that's here to stay for the long run I assume =) We'll keep you updated as things progress. Keep checking in for pictures posted of my parent's visit to Colorado and Easter pics. My friend Grace and her husband Bryan are in for the weekend visiting from K.C. Grace found out last night that she passed the Kansas bar exam, so we have all been so excited! Congrats Grace! Will post soon. Take care!


Anonymous said...

Woot I made the blog!

Anonymous said...

Ashlee, this is such a sweet blog :)
Can't wait to find out if its a boy or girl! Hope you're doing well!